It has been wonderful to be able to announce that I found more than a man who loves me... I found a partner whom I love... I found life with Kevin...
Life has been wonderfully terrific with Kevin... Sometimes, I secretly (but sweetly) smile to myself at the thought of how good life is with Kevin... Recalling how we started as just friends (we didn't have good impressions of each other by the way), fell in love, got together and he proposed sooner than I can say "No"... hahahah... Not a minute since I married him do I regret... Kevin has been one of the wisest choice I made to stay with him... marry him... and follow him in all our travels... Having him around simply made life complete... I finally understood what it means when people say they found the missing jigsaw piece in their life... I am probably lucky, coz' I felt it right here in my heart... as that missing piece was filled up since the day I said, "I do..."
If I were made to choose again, it is still Kevin... whom God has created the male version of me in him... God made us in a pair... And somehow we were meant to find each other... to discover Planet Earth in each other's eyes...
Cheers to travelling... From two... we shall soon be three in our journeys...