The living room! Special highlights - Kevin chose the lights from IKEA here and "design" to have it hung like that... Hehehe, looks pretty nice in the evening when they light up! But Kevin is saying, the TV looks small.. hahahaha.. of course, compared to our Shanghai's 52 inch TV, what is this???!!! After they repainted the entire living area, the house looks newer...

The dining table, which we shifted into the living/dining area... so we can watch our TV while having our meals! hehehe... Shanshan's favourite hobby!

Another perspective of the dining table, with the fireplace at the side... And of course, our foldable bikes at the background. hehehe... it is too cold to ride now lah... But wonder if it will be safe for me to ride here too, as the Greeks' driving habits can be scary... hehehe... wait till you see how impatient the drivers here are!

The study table next to the fireplace, behind the living area. We thought it will be good to place the work area here, so Kevin can still do his work, while watching TV and keeping me company somehow... hehehe... but trust me, i use this area more than he does. Isn't that where i am typing all these now?!! hee... :)

The entrance area, where we hang our coats and jackets, and the shoe cabinet at the side. And you see those streaming lines of decor from the doorway? Hehehe, that marks the entrance into all the bedrooms... After we hung the decor, then realised how troublesome it can be, getting in and out, with all those things smacking in your face! ahahahha...

The corner beside our kitchen, which is another dining area actually. But we made it into this oriental corner, so when guests come, we shall have steamboat sitting on the floor yah? hahahah..

The kitchen view - picture taken standing at the oriental corner. The kitchen definitely looks warm and nice after the renovations, compared to the dirty stained kitchen before that.

Close up of my "work" area. hahahaha... Not exactly easy to do my cooking here, as you can't get that many Chinese ingredients here either.. And when you can get them, it will probably be ridiculously expensive. Oh, for your info, there was once, we ordered plain steam rice in an Asian eatery shop, it is 2 Euros, for a bowl of steam rice!!!! And that is 4 dollars sing!!! For plain rice!!!! Now you know how exotic our Asian food can be in an "ang moh" country!
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