Our adventurous drive to Northern part of Greece... Kevin drove all the way from Athens for about 6 hours or slightly more... It was really tiring for him. We set off in the evening after his work on Friday and drove all the way... making only one toilet break stop... chewing on a sandwich i made on the way, before we arrive in Thessaloniki to get proper dinner... hahhaha... i think our fuel tank of the car was half to three quarter gone after the journey man...
Thessaloniki was pretty nice, a city very vibrant and quite arty-farty, compared to Athens. hahahaha...

This is the hotel we stayed in at Thessaloniki: Olympia Hotel... It was ok, quite modern and near to city (we were given a bigger room as Kevin booked through his company travel agent, heheh..)... As the parking conditions was so terrible in Thessaloniki, we could only park our car near to the hotel, and walked all the way around the city.
The street "pasar malam", a little similar to our Sungei Road, whereby they sell second-hand old goods.
Went to the local market
Vege and Fruits stall

Look behind me, those are rabbits hanging!!!

One of their orthodox churches in town.

Lovey Dovey hug along the coast... The skies are amazingly blue each time... hard to find any clouds even...
Their city beside the coastline is quite scenic and gives one a special feeling...
The City Square with lots of actions...

Chilling out with a cuppa...
Welcome to Thessaloniki...
Red Indian Performance... their music is actually quite nice leh...
Their building structure and design...
An arty statue at the round about...

Posing at yet another typical orthodox greek church. hehehe...
Sorry ah, i vainpot... must put another one... hahahha...
Rotunda... Kevin keeps saying next time he will build his house like that... hahaha... it is always good to have dreams...
Twist! We love the blue, love the city, love the feeling absolutely!
Their mini city tower... hehehe... i think it was some satellite building...

Ok, i am not sure what is this too! hahahah... but just a nice structure to pose for a picture yah?! hehehe..
Interior of a church...
Their monastery... Don't ask me where are the monks... hahah..
Castle look-a-like fortress...

Passing by Mount Olympus on the way... We didn't climb the mountain or went near, as the weather was foggy and we couldn't see the mountain clearly...
Entering an archaelogical site..
Mountain and car... When we were driving on this road, a group of dogs actually chased us lor!
Kevin's favourite word: FOOD!!! He had Paella (seafood rice) while i had seafood spaghetti! NICE!!!
The restuarant interior.. typical greek with a flavour...

Going up Platamon Castle...
Sorry, i know all looks the same.. stone structures! hahaha...
Well... AGAIN!!!
Scenery from the top...
Farewell... there goes another weekend break...
Thessaloniki gave us a very different feeling compared to Athens. Though the parking situation was worse than Athens city (you should see man...when you find a parking, you don't want to get out of it)... but the luxury of its city along by the coast allow it to give off an arty feeling... Quite worth visiting... Though the long drive was tiring (for Kevin... i didn't help.. hee)... but we certainly had fun as usual! And i have the luxury of a husband who loves travel and see to all the planning, while i can happily follow blindly... hehehe...
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